Thanks to its location on the Oder River and numerous bridges, Wroclaw is often called the second European Venice. 由于其地理位置在订单的河流和众多的桥梁、弗罗茨瓦夫常被称为欧洲的第二大威尼斯。
The East Germanic tribes settled east of the Oder River, but their languages have long since become extinct. 东部的日耳曼各部落定居在奥得河以东地区,但是他们的语言早就消失了。
From far away, the region east of the Oder River blends into a single space of collapsing living standards. 东欧奥德河以东区域,其正常的生活受到重创。
DROWNING GNOME: Water from the Oder River covered the garden at a house in Brandenburg, Germany, near the border with Poland Friday. 溺水的GNOME:从奥得河水盖房子在勃兰登堡州的一个花园里,德国与波兰边界附近的星期五。